Hard İK

On TED Talks

Let’s get started with a zest of history..

TED is a NGO.

It also is a hell of a brand story. The original TED Conference is held biannually at Monterey California. It stands for: Technology, entertainment and design.

There he is, Richard Saul Wurman, the sweet guy who is behind the idea of this concept. Born in 1935. Architect and graphic designer.

He defines himself as an information architect.

The first conference he held in 1984 was about compact disc and e-books. If you think, it was the future they were talking about 34 years ago.

Yet the World wasn’t ready to hear. Nobody paid attention. The next one was 6 years later in 1990. This time it worked.

There came a huge leap in 2001. Having foreseen the future of the TED brand, media investor Chris Anderson took over without interfering its NGO structure. His official title is stated as ‘curator’ rather than ‘owner’ (we may say he is the one runs TED).

Between 2001-2012 TED brand family grew with many siblings: TEDGlobal, TEDPrize, TED Talks (videos), TEDx (TED’s local version) and TED Ed (brief video lessons for educators).

The theme of 2014 TED conference in Vancouver (their 30th anniversary) is noteworthy: ‘The Next Chapter: What have we done in 30 years, what do we do next?’

They are ready for the future.

Two of their characteristics (I’d rather say trademarks) is very essential and challenging: Speech time should be 18 minutes or less.. speakers  should achieve the TED authenticity.. This is what I really wanted to point out (since it is my way too).

How should be the concept of speech?

• Real. Genuine. Fulfilling.

• No exaggeration. Plain. Relaxed.

• Clear. Interesting. Appealing.

• Simple. Brief. Useful.

If I was asked to describe the future of learning I’d say TED Talks.


What else could I say?